Flea Free is available in many different forms depending on where you are in the flea cycle. To prevent fleas, there is Flea Free Food Supplement, available in 16- through 128-oz sizes. There is also insect repellent in 4-, 8- and 12-oz. bottles. To treat a flea infestation, there is Flea Free Shampoo, which comes in 4-, 8- and 64-oz. bottles. To blast the fleas at the source, there is Yard & Garden Spray, available in 16- and 32-oz. jugs. All of these products will help treat and prevent fleas.
Whether you use the flea bath, dietary supplement or garden spray, you will be using 100 percent all-natural products that will in no way, shape or form harm you or your family. When it comes to treating an infestation of fleas, going natural is the way to go. The use of garlic in most of the Flea Free products is especially effective because of garlic's natural insect repellent capabilities.
Keeping your household and pets flea free the organic way will result in spending much more money over the long run versus using non-organic products. Flea Free 16-oz. bottles are about $14; 32-oz. $25; 64-oz. $40; and 128-oz. $66.
Bottom Line
Fleas are a serious problem for everyone in your household. They affect not only your dogs or cats, but can jump ship and feed from your blood, too. Flea Free is an alternative organic flea treatment that will protect your pets and family from a flea infestation safely and effectively.