How to Get Dog Hair Out of Car Upholstery

Some dog breeds shed more than others.
chien image by Alizée.R from

If your dog regularly rides along with you in your car, you probably have a seat covered in his hair. All dogs shed their coat regularly, especially in the spring and fall months, because of the amount of daylight they are exposed to and changes in the weather. While brushing your dog daily decreases the amount of dead hair that will wind up on your car's carpeting or upholstery, any dog will still shed small amounts of hair on these surfaces that require regular cleaning.

Step 1

Mix 3 teaspoons of fabric softener with 1 cup of water and put it in a spray bottle. Lightly spritz the upholstery of your car with the solution and wipe it away with paper towels. The fabric softener contains ingredients that loosen the hair so you can remove it from the crevices of the fabric. The solution adds a fresh scent to your car as well.

When the area is dry, use a vacuum cleaner attachment or hand-held vacuum to remove any remaining hair.

Step 2

Spray the upholstery with a small amount of water and put on rubber gloves. Rub the gloves over the surface of the fabric to create static and remove the hair from the fabric.

Step 3

Wrap packaging or duct tape around your hand, sticky-side-out. Rub the sticky tape over the seats to remove the hair or use a large lint roller. The hair sticks to the tape for fast removal.

Step 4

Rake a rubber-bristle pet brush over the seats. The static from the rubber will make the hair stick to the brush and the bristles help to remove hair from the fabric crevices.

Some vacuums have a rubber-tipped attachment designed to specifically remove pet hair from upholstery and fabrics; use this on your car's seats to vacuum away the hair.

Step 5

Rub a dry pet sponge, found in pet supply stores, over the upholstery in a sweeping motion to gather the hair up for removal and sweep it away with your hands.


  • Spray a small area of the upholstery with the fabric softener solution to test that it doesn't stain the fabric.

  • If your dog suddenly begins to lose large patches of fur or shed profusely, consult with your veterinarian, as this could indicate a skin infection or other health issue.


  • Comb your dog daily with a brush that reaches all the way down to his skin, especially in long-haired breeds, to reduce his shedding and the amount of hair he deposits on your car seats.

  • Cover your car seats with towels, blankets or special car seat covers to prevent your dog's hair from building up on the fabric in the first place.

  • After removing the hair from your car, sprinkle baking soda on the seats to freshen them and vacuum the excess away.

Items You Will Need

  • 3 teaspoons liquid fabric softener
  • 1 cup water
  • Spray bottle
  • Vacuum
  • Hand-held vacuum
  • Rubber gloves
  • Packaging or duct tape
  • Lint roller
  • Rubber bristle pet brush
  • Rubber-tipped vacuum attachment
  • Dry pet sponge


About the Author

Based in Las Vegas, Susan Paretts has been writing since 1998. She writes about many subjects including pets, finances, crafts, food, home improvement, shopping and going green. Her articles, short stories and reviews have appeared on City National Bank's website and on The Noseprint. Paretts holds a Master of Professional Writing from the University of Southern California.

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